Predator buy-side OMS EMS
EMS or Execution Management System is the logical complement to OMS, as it handles the details pertaining to the order once it is executed or filled. PREDATOR helps the trader to keep track of orders, be they executed wholly or partly, cancelled or amended, stopped or re-introduced, including proper allocation of aggregated orders which need to be attributed to different portfolios or clients. The system also provides interfaces to host systems or banking systems used in the back-office.
Predator OMS / EMS offers extended order management (O.M.S) and execution management (E.M.S.) for all asset classes and markets in a single system.
The Predator OMS / EMS addresses all the workflow of buy-side trading desks, from portfolio management to trading, investment fund allocation, audit, reports and compliance. Predator OMS / EMS provides extensive connectivity to a wide range of networks (ECNs), brokers, DMA access and complete real time market-data.
Key Features
- Supports all major elements of buy-side trading desk workflow
- Adapted for equities, fixed income, listed and OTC derivatives, money markets and FX
- Allow organization of lists using dynamic filters, fully customisable by the user
- Offers consolidated view of trading activity, EDA, DMA and direct access to broker algorithms
- Provides a broad range of advanced execution tools, import/export capabilities
- Smart Order Routing, Program Trading, Position keeping, Internal Matching Engine from a single screen
- Fully STP solution for buy-side organisations
- Comprehensive control and audit trail of the trading process