About Us

Strongly independent – like you!

TELEINVEST is considered by many as the tailor-made approach individual solutions for the financial industry. It operates discretely, escaping the radar screen of anyone without the corresponding insider knowledge.

Teleinvest designed and built its proprietary technology at a time when electronic securities trading started in Switzerland and Europe, in the mid 1990’s. It has been and still is focused on this subject only. We believe that vital qualities of a trading system, like stability, reliability, performance and modularity can only be guaranteed if the technology used is controlled 100% in-house. We keep investing in the necessary know-how of our own and experienced specialists in the field of real-time transaction, securities trading, capital markets, mathematics and computer science.


Providing independent, proven solutions for electronic trading in multi-asset, -currency and –market environments exposed to constant and rapid evolution.

Offering high tech products, front to back, to a select client base and reward customer loyalty with above average responsiveness and support services.

We are committed to total client satisfaction!

  • 1992: Proprietary Reliable Broadcasting Protocol (Bus type solution)
  • 1993: Inventing 3-dimensional Vectorial Integrated Processor
  • 1995: 1st electronic trading platform for Swiss market
  • 1997: First Trading Platform under Windows
  • 1999: Technology audit by Prof. Marty, ETH Zurich
  • 2001: 1st Multi Market OMS-EMS on the market
  • 2002: PREDATOR introduces COB (central order book)
  • 2003: Algorithmic Order Engine added
  • 2005 : First PREDATOR users outside Switzerland
  • 2006: Development of new Securities Master File
  • 2008: Foray into Luxemburg and Singapore markets
  • 2009: Launching new module "Multi-Market Market Depth"